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SAMPLE BACK, for Plumstead Precinct 3
Find personalized voting, ballot, and polling place information:
Voting Information
In-depth information about voting can be found at the following websites:
The Pennsylvania Democrats tips on voting:
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's information on voting:
The Bucks County Board of Elections information page:
League of Women Voters of Bucks County
To vote in Pennsylvania, you must be registered to vote at least 15 days before election day.
You can fill out an application to register to vote at:
Voting in Person
Polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm. Stay in line until you cast your vote!
Bucks County has new voting machines that were first used during the 2020 Primary Election. You will need to fill out a paper ballot. A demonstration for how to use the machine can be found here.
And remember, if you are in line to vote stay in line until you have voted!
Be prepared! Bring a snack and drink, and dress in layers.
Voting by Mail
Questions about Vote by Mail can be answered by contacting Plumstead Democrats here or by contacting the Bucks County Board of Elections at
Bucks County Board of Elections
55 E. Court St.
Doylestown, PA 18901
If you want to vote by mail, you must apply every year for a mail-in ballot, even if you have voted by mail the previous year. Click here to apply for a mail-in ballot. To vote in the 2024 election by mail, the application must be received by the county election board by: TBD
Fill out and send your ballot back right away. Your completed ballot must be received by 8pm on election day.
Voters can check the status of their ballot at this website. This will update when your ballot has been received by the Board of Elections.
Follow all of the directions completely that come with the ballots. Ballots must be signed and returned in the privacy envelope or they may not be counted.
Registering to Vote

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